In this step, you will need the UUID, Tenant ID (sometimes called ACRON or acronym), username, and password that QHR Accuro provided you with, in order for Ocean to be able to access the Accuro API, thereby connecting to your Accuro EMR.
QHR Accuro Integration Set-Up
Learn how to set up your QHR Accuro EMR to connect and work properly with Ocean.
Accuro: Set Up Ocean Cloud Connect
In this step, you will need the UUID, Tenant ID (sometimes called ACRON or acronym), username, and password that QHR Accuro provided you with, in order for Ocean to be able to access the Accuro API, thereby connecting to your Accuro EMR.
Please refer to the article Setting Up Ocean Cloud Connect. -
Accuro: Configure the CDS Menu for Quick Access to Ocean
To easily access Ocean directly within Accuro, you will want to set up CDS (Clinical Decision Support) links to various Ocean products or services.
What You Can Do with CDS Links
The CDS (Clinical Decision Support) option in Accuro's quick action menu provides a convenient user interface for interacting with Ocean directly within Accuro.
Using the CDS feature, Accuro users can add hyperlinks to Ocean that support single-sign-on (SSO) with automated patient-specific requests for interacting with Ocean.
Simply select a patient in Accuro, and then use the corresponding CDS link:
- View Ocean Portal
- Launch directly into the Ocean Portal.
- View Patient Summary
- Launch into a patient-specific summary.
- Send Patient Message
- Initiate a new Patient Message.
- Send eRequest
- Launch into the Ocean Healthmap to initiate a new eRequest.
- Send Referral Appointment Information
- Efficiently add appointment information from the EMR schedule into an eRequest.
Configuring CDS Links
Prerequisites for Getting Started
Before configuring your CDS links, please ensure the following steps have been completed:
- Your Ocean site is integrated with your Accuro EMR using Ocean Cloud Connect
- Your Ocean user account has Site Admin access
- Your have Administrator access in your Accuro EMR
Navigate to the 'Accuro CDS Links Configuration' panel in the Ocean Portal
- Sign in to the Ocean Portal. Click the 'Menu'' button in the top left corner and select 'Admin'.
Determine which CDS links to Configure
The 'View Ocean Portal' and 'View Patient Dashboard' links are the most versatile as they offer additional Ocean-related functions for the patient.
However, the 'Send Patient Message', 'Send eRequest', and 'Send Referral Appointment Information' links increase efficiency if you initiate these actions frequently.
Configure each CDS link in Accuro
We recommend using global CDS links (i.e., not user-specific links) to launch from Accuro into Ocean.
When global CDS links are used, they are visible to all users in your Accuro instance, so everyone can benefit without having to configure the links themselves.
To configure global CDS links, follow the steps below:
- In Accuro, open the Accuro action menu by clicking the crosshairs icon at the bottom left of the EMR. Enter the CDS menu and select 'Manage Global CDS'.
- When the 'Configure Global CDS Link' dialog box opens, fill in the following fields using the provided values from the 'Accuro CDS Link Configuration' window in Ocean:
- Note: Ensure there is exact capitalization for all of the following parameters, and verify there are no leading or trailing spaces.
- For efficiency, we recommend pressing the 'Copy' icon within the Ocean window, and then simply pasting into the relevant field in Accuro.
- Name
- Enter the name of the CDS link - e.g., 'View Ocean Portal'.
- Copy and paste the exact URL from Ocean. Ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces at the start or end of the copied URL.
- Parameter/Value Table
- Click the green plus (+) icon to add the four Parameter/Value pairs provided in the "Accuro CDS Links Configuration" window in Ocean: siteKey, siteCredential, userID, and patientID.
- Click "OK" to save the CDS link.
- Repeat Steps 3b through 3e above for each CDS link that you are configuring.
- Click "Close" to close the "Configure Accuro CDS Links" dialog box.
Test your new CDS links
(Optional) Add User-Friendly Buttons
Once all your CDS links have been set up, you have the option of adding additional shortcuts to your Accuro action bar for quicker access. To learn more about how to configure these shortcuts, please refer to Add User-Friendly Buttons to CDS Links.
Precautions for All Ocean CDS Links
Accuro opens CDS Links in a minimalist embedded web browser. Although the browser is capable of performing most Ocean-related tasks, it cannot print, which prevents the printing of referral handouts and other actions.
Also note that the above URLs include the Shared Encryption Key for your Ocean site (encoded after the anchor '#' tag).
If you prefer to avoid including the Shared Encryption Key for security reasons, you can remove it from the URL by trimming the '#'' character and all characters following it. If you leave the shared encryption key in place, be aware that all of the links above that included the key will need updating if and when you change your site's shared encryption key in the future.
Accuro: Add User-Friendly Buttons to CDS Links*
Once you've configured your global CDS links, you can create shortcut buttons on your action bar to quickly access your CDS links with one simple click.
Note: *This is an optional but recommended step in setting up the integration between QHR Accuro and Ocean.
- Your Accuro EMR is integrated with Ocean using Ocean Cloud Connect.
- You have already Configured the CDS Menu for Quick Access to Ocean.
- For the 'Select a Custom Action' setting, select 'Custom CDS Action'.
- For the 'Description' setting, enter a name for the action that you are creating. For simplicity, we recommend using the same name as your global CDS link.
- For the 'CDS' setting, select the corresponding global CDS link that should be launched when a user presses the button.
- To select a custom icon for the button, click the 'Change' button.
Browse and select your preferred icon.
A few common icon examples include: "waves", "water_element", "read_message", and "message_group".
- To change the icon colour, click on the colour box at the top of the window to open the colour selector, select your desired colour, and then click 'OK'.
Press 'OK' to save your new custom action button.
Note: Repeat steps D through K for each user-friendly CDS button that you would like to create.
Accuro: Configure the CDS Menu for Quick Access to Ocean
To easily access Ocean directly within Accuro, you will want to set up CDS (Clinical Decision Support) links to various Ocean products or services.
What You Can Do with CDS Links
The CDS (Clinical Decision Support) option in Accuro's quick action menu provides a convenient user interface for interacting with Ocean directly within Accuro.
Using the CDS feature, Accuro users can add hyperlinks to Ocean that support single-sign-on (SSO) with automated patient-specific requests for interacting with Ocean.
Simply select a patient in Accuro, and then use the corresponding CDS link:
- View Ocean Portal
- Launch directly into the Ocean Portal.
- View Patient Summary
- Launch into a patient-specific summary.
- Send Patient Message
- Initiate a new Patient Message.
- Send eRequest
- Launch into the Ocean Healthmap to initiate a new eRequest.
- Send Referral Appointment Information
- Efficiently add appointment information from the EMR schedule into an eRequest.
Configuring CDS Links
Prerequisites for Getting Started
Before configuring your CDS links, please ensure the following steps have been completed:
- Your Ocean site is integrated with your Accuro EMR using Ocean Cloud Connect
- Your Ocean user account has Site Admin access
- Your have Administrator access in your Accuro EMR
Navigate to the 'Accuro CDS Links Configuration' panel in the Ocean Portal
- Sign in to the Ocean Portal. Click the 'Menu'' button in the top left corner and select 'Admin'.
Determine which CDS links to Configure
The 'View Ocean Portal' and 'View Patient Dashboard' links are the most versatile as they offer additional Ocean-related functions for the patient.
However, the 'Send Patient Message', 'Send eRequest', and 'Send Referral Appointment Information' links increase efficiency if you initiate these actions frequently.
Configure each CDS link in Accuro
We recommend using global CDS links (i.e., not user-specific links) to launch from Accuro into Ocean.
When global CDS links are used, they are visible to all users in your Accuro instance, so everyone can benefit without having to configure the links themselves.
To configure global CDS links, follow the steps below:
- In Accuro, open the Accuro action menu by clicking the crosshairs icon at the bottom left of the EMR. Enter the CDS menu and select 'Manage Global CDS'.
- When the 'Configure Global CDS Link' dialog box opens, fill in the following fields using the provided values from the 'Accuro CDS Link Configuration' window in Ocean:
- Note: Ensure there is exact capitalization for all of the following parameters, and verify there are no leading or trailing spaces.
- For efficiency, we recommend pressing the 'Copy' icon within the Ocean window, and then simply pasting into the relevant field in Accuro.
- Name
- Enter the name of the CDS link - e.g., 'View Ocean Portal'.
- Copy and paste the exact URL from Ocean. Ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces at the start or end of the copied URL.
- Parameter/Value Table
- Click the green plus (+) icon to add the four Parameter/Value pairs provided in the "Accuro CDS Links Configuration" window in Ocean: siteKey, siteCredential, userID, and patientID.
- Click "OK" to save the CDS link.
- Repeat Steps 3b through 3e above for each CDS link that you are configuring.
- Click "Close" to close the "Configure Accuro CDS Links" dialog box.
Test your new CDS links
(Optional) Add User-Friendly Buttons
Once all your CDS links have been set up, you have the option of adding additional shortcuts to your Accuro action bar for quicker access. To learn more about how to configure these shortcuts, please refer to Add User-Friendly Buttons to CDS Links.
Precautions for All Ocean CDS Links
Accuro opens CDS Links in a minimalist embedded web browser. Although the browser is capable of performing most Ocean-related tasks, it cannot print, which prevents the printing of referral handouts and other actions.
Also note that the above URLs include the Shared Encryption Key for your Ocean site (encoded after the anchor '#' tag).
If you prefer to avoid including the Shared Encryption Key for security reasons, you can remove it from the URL by trimming the '#'' character and all characters following it. If you leave the shared encryption key in place, be aware that all of the links above that included the key will need updating if and when you change your site's shared encryption key in the future.
Accuro: Add User-Friendly Buttons to CDS Links*
Once you've configured your global CDS links, you can create shortcut buttons on your action bar to quickly access your CDS links with one simple click.
Note: *This is an optional but recommended step in setting up the integration between QHR Accuro and Ocean.
- Your Accuro EMR is integrated with Ocean using Ocean Cloud Connect.
- You have already Configured the CDS Menu for Quick Access to Ocean.
- For the 'Select a Custom Action' setting, select 'Custom CDS Action'.
- For the 'Description' setting, enter a name for the action that you are creating. For simplicity, we recommend using the same name as your global CDS link.
- For the 'CDS' setting, select the corresponding global CDS link that should be launched when a user presses the button.
- To select a custom icon for the button, click the 'Change' button.
Browse and select your preferred icon.
A few common icon examples include: "waves", "water_element", "read_message", and "message_group".
- To change the icon colour, click on the colour box at the top of the window to open the colour selector, select your desired colour, and then click 'OK'.
Press 'OK' to save your new custom action button.
Note: Repeat steps D through K for each user-friendly CDS button that you would like to create.