Med Access EMR Integration Troubleshooting

The table below outlines common issues and solutions that users may experience when integrating their Med Access EMR with Ocean.

Common Error Solution
The “Mobile Settings” option is not visible on the Profile dashboard window Ensure that the EMR user has Administrative Privileges enabled so that they can view and access this section. Ask another Clinical Administrator to view this page to verify.
The “Ocean Module” is not available in the Integration Management section

Ensure that the EMR user has Administrative Privileges enabled so that they can view and access this section. Ask another Clinical Administrator to view this page to verify.

If the module is not there for any users, verify with TELUS if it has been properly installed.

Cloud Connect returns an error when the EMR Instance ID and EMR Secret are entered

These are case sensitive. Ensure that you are doing a direct copy and paste from the Ocean module in the EMR to Cloud Connect.

The system will treat spaces as additional characters. Ensure that there are no trailing spaces, at the end of either value or leading space at the start.

One or more providers are not appearing in the Cloud Connect settings Ensure that you are expecting to see a list of Provider Schedules, not individual user accounts in the EMR. If one or more Providers are not appearing on the list Ocean is accessing, this will need to be escalated to TELUS for further investigation and support.
Cloud Connect returns an error message in the “Sync Status” panel when trying to complete an initial sync with the EMR

This will depend on the exact error message displayed; the error may be specific to the EMR Server or to Ocean.

To troubleshoot, take a screenshot of the error message and submit a Support Ticket for the Ocean Support Team to review. The Support Team will either provide guidance for resolving the issue or will recommend that it be escalated to TELUS.

The “Launch” button is not visible in a patient’s chart Ensure that Google Chrome is the browser being used. If you are already using Google Chrome, ensure that there are no ad-blockers or extensions installed that could interfere.
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