Patient Tablets must be connected to the internet at all times, in order to be able to connect to Ocean (preferably via a reliable Wi-Fi connection).
A few notes before we begin.
- Android tablets can vary quite a bit in their interface and the basic setup process. If you aren’t comfortable setting up the tablet, your retailer or tablet manufacturer should be able to help.
- At some point during the setup, Android or Google may prompt you to create a new Google account. This step is not necessary. You should be able to skip any account setup.
- Skip any other options to “enable purchases” or “join Google+”. Do NOT enter any personal information if the tablet asks you to.
Connect to the internet.
Note: Some clinics don’t have Wi-Fi configured, in which case you’ll either need to set up a new Wi-Fi network, or access a wireless data service for your tablet. Your EMR provider may also be able to assist as well. The goal is to find the simplest way to connect your tablet to the Internet.