Install the Ocean Tablet App on Your Tablet(s)

This app is what enables Ocean on your tablets.

  1. Download the file.

    • Note: This version of the Ocean application is intended to be downloaded on an Android tablet (not an iPad, OS X, or Windows).
    • Open the tablet’s built-in internet browser (usually called “Browser” or “Chrome”).
    • Type into the address bar on your tablet in order to navigate to this page on your tablet.
    • Click on the download button below from your tablet browser.
    • Download the Ocean App for Android
    • Note: You may receive a warning message that this type of file (wave.apk) can harm your device. You can override this by clicking “OK”.
  2. Install the file.

    • When the download completes, you should see a confirmation message the bottom of your browser’s screen and a checkmark in the tablet banner, which can be viewed if you drag down from the top of the screen.
    • Click on either of the above “download complete” notifications and click “Install” to finish installing the application.
  • Note: If you don’t see either of the above notifications, you can also find the downloaded “wave.apk” file in your tablet’s “Downloads” or “My Files” application, which should be located on your tablet’s home screen.
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