What is a Support Site?

What is a Support Site?

A Support Site is a special type of Ocean Site configured by OceanMD, to provide users of this site with administrative privileges for sites they are supporting, without being an actual user on those sites.

This type of configuration allows Support Site users to have the same abilities as a regular Site Admin on the Ocean Sites they are supporting, with the exception of the following:

  • To protect the privacy of patient PHI, Support Site users do not require and should not have access to a clinic’s Shared Encryption Key and thus all personal health information will appear as encrypted.
  • Support Site users do not have access to Cloud Connect to ensure EMR access credentials are protected.

Note: All Support Site users must be a Site Admin on the Support Site to be able to view and access the Ocean Sites that are being supported.

Why would a Support Site be added to another Ocean Site?

  • For troubleshooting purposes
  • To assist with initial Ocean Site/product set-up and configurations
  • To manage eForms
  • Allocation of credits

Note: Support Sites should be added on an as-needed basis and removed once the required activity has been completed/resolved.

For steps on how to add a Support Site to another Ocean Site, please refer to Adding a Support Site to your Site.

Adding a Support Site to Your Site

Support Sites allow organizations you may be working with to access to your Ocean site and grants them administrative privileges to make changes within that site.

Only users with your shared encryption key will have access to the patient health information in your site.

  • Navigate to the Admin Settings page in the Ocean Portal.
  • Click on "Site Account" and under "Support Sites", enter the name of the support site you would like to add.
  • Ensure the name entered is the correct organization you would like to add then click "Add Support Site".
  • This site will then appear as a support site in the "Site Account" area of the Admin Settings page. You may click the "x" icon beside their name to discontinue their access to your site at any time.
  • Remember to press the blue "Save Changes" button at the bottom right of the screen when complete.

Note: You may add more than one support site to your account.

Note: Support Sites should be added on an as-needed basis and removed once the required activity has been completed/resolved.

Sending Support Tickets: What You Need to Know

If you need help troubleshooting a problem with any of the Ocean products, or need to get in contact with CognisantMD for any reason, our support team can be reached at: ocean.tips/support.

After filling out a support request, which includes your name, email address, Ocean Site Number, your EMR (if applicable), description of your issue, and any relevant attachments (usually screenshots are most helpful), a ticket will be created in our support centre for review by one of our Customer Success Associates.

Hours: Our associates are available and on call Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, excluding all Canadian statutory holidays.

Our team endeavours to respond to all support requests typically within 2 hours of receipt, contingent on overall support volume and issue complexity. If our staff does not have an immediate solution to your concern within that time, we attempt to follow up as soon as possible to confirm receipt and provide an update on the status of our investigations.

When sending a support request, please be as detailed as possible about the nature of your concern. If you’re experiencing a problem with an Ocean product, please make sure to list what Ocean service(s) you’re currently using, as well as the frequency (consistent or sporadic) and the range of affected patients (isolated to a single patient, a shared group/provider, or every patient total).

The more thorough you can be detailing your issue, the better our staff can investigate and test the issue from our end.

Customer Privacy and Security

Do not, under any circumstances, include the following in a support request:

  • Ocean account password
  • Ocean Site Shared Encryption Key
  • EMR login credentials
  • Screenshots or emails containing any patient’s personal health information

Patient Privacy and PHI

At CognisantMD, we take all matters of patient privacy and security very seriously. Please do not, under any circumstances, send us personal health information (PHI) for patients.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • patient names (first name, middle name, surname)
  • patient contact information (phone number, email address, street address)
  • health card number
  • test and/or lab results
  • direct correspondence between patients and health care providers

If in doubt, err on the side of caution and consider how patient information is handled on site. Follow the same protocols with any details you may be considering sending in a support request.

  • Referencing Patients

    • If you do need to reference a patient for the purposes of troubleshooting, please provide support with either the patient’s EMR ID number or their Ocean reference number only.

  • Special Consideration for Screenshots

    • If it is unavoidable to send a screenshot without certain patient details being visible, we ask that you first use annotation or similar tools in a photo editing application (Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, Mac Preview, etc.) to censor or blur patient details out and make them unreadable to our support team.

    • Sometimes it makes sense to send a screenshot of your EMR, the Ocean Portal, or other Ocean services to support to help illustrate a particular problem or error message. In those instances, please take extra precautions to review screenshots and make sure they are free of PHI.

Keeping Up-to-Date with Ocean Feature Updates

You can stay up to date with our improvements, feature upgrades, and system notifications by following our 'Announcements' sections.

  • Log in to the Ocean Portal. Click on the "Support" link at the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • This will take you to our support portal.
  • Click on the "Announcements" category (i.e. the megaphone symbol) to find our release notes.
  • Here you will find our news/updates, system notifications and various Ocean release notes:

    Platform Notices
    Contains articles describing system events for Ocean Site Administrators.
    News and Updates
    Covers any general Ocean updates.
    Critical System Notifications
    Contains critical system updates for Ocean Site administrators.
    Ocean Server Release Notes
    Information about any new features and/or bug fixes that will be available after the regular Ocean server upgrade.
    Ocean Tablet Release Notes
    Notifications about when a new version of the Ocean Tablet app has been released. Describes any new features and/or bug fixes included in the app update.
    EMR Integration Module Release Notes
    Notifications about when a new versions of EMR integration modules have been released (mainly PS Suite toolbars/custom forms, etc.) Describes any new features and/or bug fixes included in these updates.
    Accuro Integration Notifications
    Critical updates for Ocean Site administrators on the Accuro integration.
    TELUS Integration Notifications
    Critical updates for Ocean Site administrators on the TELUS integrations.
    OSCAR Pro Integration Notifications
    Critical updates for Ocean Site administrators on the Oscar integration.
    Ocean API Integration Updates
    Announcements regarding upcoming integration development work that may result in breaking changes and critical notifications specific to integration incidents.
    COVID-19 and Related Form Updates
    Notifications about updates made to the COVID-19 Ocean eForms.
  • Select the section that you would like to follow and then click on "Follow" button at the top right corner.
  • Select 'New articles'.
  • You will now receive an email notification whenever a new article is added to the section. This will be sent to the email address that is associated with your Ocean user account.

Unfollowing Sections

  • Select the section that you would like to unfollow.
  • Click the 'Following' button in the top right corner of the section, and select 'Unfollow' from the dropdown menu that appears.

Alternative Method to Unfollow

Rather than navigating to each individual section of the support portal to unfollow it, you can view a list of all of your currently followed sections to quickly unfollow multiple at once.

  • Within the Support Portal, click your username in the top right corner, and select 'My activities'.
  • Select the "Following" option. This displays a list of all sections that you currently follow.
  • Select the "Unfollow" option next to each section that you no longer wish to receive notifications for.

Accessing Patient IDs for Troubleshooting Purposes

If you are troubleshooting with the OceanMD Support team, we may ask you to send some reference numbers of the problematic patient charts in question (e.g. EMR ID or Ocean Patient Reference Number), since we cannot see any of your patient names (for patient privacy reasons).


PS Suite Med Access Accuro OSCAR Pro Ocean Portal
  • The EMR ID can be located in the top right corner of the patient chart.

Ocean Patient Reference Numbers

  • Ocean Patient Reference Numbers can always be found directly within the 'Patients' page of the Ocean Portal, under the 'Reference #' column.
  • Some EMR integrations also display the Ocean Patient Reference Number directly within the EMR chart:
PS Suite OSCAR Pro
  • The Ocean Patient Reference Number can be located on the Ocean Toolbar within the patient's chart.

Accessing Raw Data for Troubleshooting Purposes

If you are troubleshooting with support from OceanMD staff, we may ask you to send us your raw data. To access this raw data, please complete the following steps:

  • Log in to the Ocean Portal. If you aren't already in the Patients view, click "Menu" in the top left corner and select "Patients". Find the patient in question by searching through the list of patients or using the "Find Patients" search bar along the left.
  • Click on the relevant patient to view the patient in Ocean.
  • Select "Advanced...", followed by "View Patient Raw Data".
  • If you are sending the data to CognisantMD by submitting a support ticket, please copy and paste the data into your support ticket.

Important Note

Please edit out all PHI before submitting. For example, replace the patient's names and other personally identifying information with "XXXXXXX".