Learn how to translate your form into different languages.
You are able to add translations for your eForm items by following the steps below. If you add new items to your eForm after performing the initial translation, you will need to repeat the steps below to translate the newly added items.
Specify your desired language
- Enter your desired standard ISO language two-character code (e.g. French is "FR"; Spanish is "ES").
Provide string translations
- The 'String Translations' window provides one line per eForm item for translation under the 'Text' column, with the default placeholder translation as "FR: {original English string}".
Replace the entire placeholder string (including the "FR:" portion) with the proper language translation.
Note: Ocean does not perform automatic language translation. You must provide the equivalent translated language to enter into the 'Text' field for each item in your eForm.
- Once you have replaced all of the placeholder strings with your translated language, press "OK", and then press 'Save Changes' in the eForm editor to save your work.
Test your translations
To test the eForm after it's been translated, choose "Preview" in the eForm Action menu and then add "&locale=fr" to the end of the preview link in the address bar. (Ensure the language code is in lowercase letters.)
For example, to preview the PHQ-9 in French, visit: https://ocean.cognisantmd.com/questionnaires/preview/QuestionnairePreview.html?ref=phq9&locale=fr