Can I delete individual study responses?

Yes, Ocean supports the ability to delete individual study responses. For example, if you would like to delete a single test/dummy submission from your study, you can follow the steps below.

  • Log in to the Ocean Portal, open the 'Menu', and select 'Studies'.
  • Locate the relevant study and click 'Configure'.
  • Click 'Delete individual responses...'
  • Enter the Ocean Submission Id(s) of the study response(s) that you would like to delete and click 'OK'.

    If entering multiple Ids, separate them using a comma or a space.

    Tip: You can determine Ocean Submission Id(s) by viewing your study data.

  • A confirmation message will appear indicating that the response(s) have now be deleted from your Ocean Study. Click 'OK' to dismiss the pop-up message.
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