What if I need to identify a patient from my study data?

Ocean studies are designed to anonymize patient data. However, we recognize that there may be circumstances under which you would like to be able to link study data back to patients. You can do this by either using the study configuration method or the @ptExternalRef keyword and formula item method, both of which will record patient identifiers from the source EMR.

PS Suite Accuro OSCAR
  • The external patient reference number will be the PSS ID (at the top right corner of the patient chart).
  • Study Configuration Method

    • Once you have created your study (see "Create Your Ocean Study" for study creation details), select "Configure" on the applicable study under the Studies view in the Ocean Portal.
    • Under the Pseudonymisation section, select the checkbox entitled "Capture EMR ID with submissions". Next, select save to retain your settings. Next time you export your study data, you will see the EMR ID as one of the study columns.
  • Keyword Method

    • To begin, locate the study form under the eForms tab and select "Edit" to view it in the eForm editor.
    • Add a new item, set the item type as a "Formula". Give the item a name, such as patient identifier.
    • Under the Scripting and More tab, set the item reference to something like "Pt_Identifier", set "Show this field if" to false, and enter the following script into the Formula box: ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptExternalRef').
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