Set the Email Sender Name Patients Will Receive a Message From

By default, Patient Messages will appear to be sent by "OceanMD", which can be confusing for patients.

  • By default, emails sent to patients from Ocean on your behalf use the sender name "OceanMD". This can be easily customized within the Ocean Portal.

Customizing the Email Friendly Name

  • Click 'Menu' in the top left corner and select 'Admin'.
  • From the Admin Settings page, click Site Account
  • Update the “Email Friendly Name” field with your desired name.
  • Press 'Save Changes' in the bottom right corner.
  • When a patient now receives an email from your clinic, the sender name will reflect what you input in this field.

Customizing the Email Address that Patients Receive Emails From (Advanced):

If you would like to customize the actual email address that patients receive emails from (e.g., replacing '' with ''), you must own a custom domain name and have the ability to modify DNS records with the domain name registrar.

This involves adding an DNS records to indicate that the Ocean email servers are permitted to send emails on your domain's behalf. For more information, refer to Emailing Patients Using Your Own Email Address.

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