In some cases, clinics may be required to capture and report on their clinic's Online Booking usage for measurement and reporting purposes. This article explains three options that are available for clinics to gather various metrics on appointments booked online through Ocean.
Online Appointment Booking Metrics for OHTs
- If you are looking for information on obtaining Online Appointment Booking metrics for Ontario Health Team reporting purposes, please access and download the 'Ocean OAB OHT Metrics.pdf' by pressing the 'Download' button on the right.
- Download
Generate a Report from your EMR
Any appointments that are booked online through Ocean include the term "(booked online)" within the actual appointment booking. Using the searching/reporting functionalities within your EMR, you can key on this specific term to generate a report of all appointments booked online through Ocean.
For additional support in learning how to generate a search/report that keys in on this term within your EMR, please contact your EMR vendor.
The specific field that the "(booked online)" term can be found in varies depending on the EMR you are using. Select your EMR below for additional details on how this field will appear in your EMR.
Export a Report from Ocean
Ocean stores online booking records for 180 days. You can download a .csv file at any time with a list of all appointments booked online in the past 180 days. Please see this article that walks through the steps to obtain this report.