Ocean Service Interruption May 17, 2021 [RESOLVED]

1:54pm We are currently experiencing an issue affecting Ocean. We are investigating and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

1:59pm The issue has been resolved and we are currently investigating the root cause. Note: Ocean will have experienced delays processing requests to EMRs via Cloud Connect. All pending updates will be synced to EMRs over the rest of the afternoon.

8:27pm Two issues impacted Ocean today. The first was a brief network interruption in our hosting facilities which caused the Ocean database to become unavailable for 2 minutes and 21 seconds at 1:11pm ET. No data was lost, but Ocean was unavailable during this period. The second was due to a failure between an EMR and the corresponding API server due to a very large volume of requests. The delay in processing the requests due to the failure caused a backup in Cloud Connect processing between 12:30pm and 1:55pm ET. During this period, Ocean features dependent on Cloud Connect EMR integration were delayed. 

Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.

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