Delayed WebHook Integration Deliveries May 26, 2023 [RESOLVED]

9:10am EST: We're investigating delayed webhook style integration event deliveries this morning, and will update this announcement as further information becomes available.

9:36am EST: We've identified the issue and are working on applying a patch to Ocean. There may be a 2 - 3 minute service interruption to Ocean to apply the fix in order to avoid delayed referral event deliveries.

10:08am EST: We're deploying a new Ocean release. We'll be monitoring closely to confirm the issue is fixed.

10:44am EST: An issue preventing delivery of referral integration notifications was identified this morning. The issue was resolved at 10:24am via an Ocean patch. Over the next hour all referral integration notifications will be delivered. The root cause was a regression introduced in a patch release deployed last night for an unrelated issue. Both issues are now corrected.

Please email us at if you have any additional questions.

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