1. Download the Ocean eForm and Ocean Toolbar Files
To download the files below, right-click on each blue file button below, select 'Save Link As…' and save them to a location on your computer that is easily accessible.
2. Upload the Ocean eForm into OSCAR
- Log in to your OSCAR EMR and open the Administration window from the menu along the top of the page.
Select 'Upload', click 'Choose File', and locate the 'OscarCustomForm.html' file that you downloaded in Step 1.
Note: This file may alternatively be named 'Ocean EForm.html' if you saved the file directly from a new tab or browser window.
Under the 'eForm Name' field enter the term 'Ocean' (without quotes and ensuring the first letter "O" is capitalized), and then click 'Upload'.
Note: Ensure that the name of the eForm is exactly "Ocean" (without quotations, case-sensitive). Any deviation from this naming can break certain Ocean functionalities.