Guide to the Ocean Portal

  • The Ocean Portal can be accessed at
  • Signing into the Ocean Portal will allow you to view and configure all the various features of Ocean.

    Click the 'Menu' button in the top left corner to open the navigation menu with access to all areas.


In the Patients view, you can see all of your patients who have been loaded into Ocean.

  • You can click on any of the patients listed to view any clinical notes that have been generated from this patient completing eForm(s). From this window, you can also queue an eForm for a patient, email a patient, view their status and pending forms, initiate an eReferral for them through the Ocean Provider Network, remove a patient from Ocean, and access advanced settings for a patient.
  • In the left side bar, you have the option to filter your patients. You can search for a patient by surname, Ocean Reference Number or EMR ID.
  • You can also filter by message status by clearing the search bar and selecting the options from the drop down.
  • You can additionally filter by a specific Provider, or use the Day Sheet to view all patients with appointments on a specific date, or view your walk-in provider's patients only.
  • You also have more options available to you in the Actions menu, located at the bottom left of this tab, including: creating a new patient in Ocean, synchronizing your appointments (for Accuro clients only), uploading a cohort of patients, emailing a patient cohort, or exporting a patient cohort.
  • The Template Manager offers an accessible way to view, edit, and even duplicate your templates. Using the Template Editor, you can easily create new templates to use for your secure patient communications.
  • Please refer to Customizing Your Templates for more detailed information.
  • Note: Only users with Site Admin access to your Ocean Site can access this area.

    In the Admin view, you can configure all of the administrative settings for your Ocean site.

    To learn more about all the different administrative settings in this view, please refer to our Guide to the Admin View.

Quick Links
  • Quick Links give you access to other helpful Ocean links.

    Cloud Connect will take you to Ocean Cloud Connect where you can edit your Ocean and EMR integration settings.

    Note: Only users with administrative access to your Ocean site can login to Cloud Connect and edit your Ocean and EMR integration settings.

    Resource Library will take you to the Ocean resource library, where you can search through a list of Ocean forms and PS Suite Custom Forms.

    Support will bring you to our support portal.

Tablets & Kiosks
  • Note: Only users with Site Admin access to your Ocean site can access the Tablets & Kiosks area.

  • In the Tablets & Kiosks view, you can configure the settings for all the tablet(s) registered to your site.
  • Configurable tablet settings include: creating an introduction screen for your tablets, automatically queuing forms for patients, and more.
  • Please refer to "Customizing Basic Tablet Settings" to learn more about what tablet settings are available for you to customize to your liking.
Patient Reminders
  • The Patient Reminders dashboard allows you to view your daily reminder run time, a history of reminders sent in the last 7 days, and the ability to download a more detailed log of sent reminders.
  • The 'Settings' button in the top right corner allows you to update your reminder configuration, as well as create or modify your Reminder Rules.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to the Patient Reminders Set Up guide.
Online Booking
  • In the Online Booking area, you can view all online appointmnet bookings made by patients, and change your online booking configuration by pressing the 'Settings' button.
Website Forms
  • In the Website Forms view, you can view all website form submissions in the various folders of your inbox.
  • In the Studies view, you can create, configure, and export data from your Ocean Studies.
  • To learn more about Ocean Studies, please refer to our Guide to Studies.
  • Note: An additional fee will apply if you would like to use Ocean Studies (see our pricing page for more details). For more information about Ocean Studies and the different study levels available, please email our support team at
eReferrals & eConsults
  • In the eReferrals & eConsults view, you can access all your sent or received requests by clicking on a specific entry listed.
  • The status folders on the left automatically categorize your sent and received eReferrals/eConsults.
  • The 'Actions' menu in the bottom left allows you to create a New Inbound eReferal, view the Ocean Healthmap, export your eReferral data, update your wait times, and search for a patient's eReferral history.
  • Clicking the Healthmap option will bring you to Ocean's Healthmap where you can see what services are accepting eReferrals in your region.
  • If you ever run into any troubles while using the Ocean Portal, search through our library of support articles and/or contact our support team at any time by selecting the "Support" link at the bottom left hand corner of any page in the Ocean Portal.
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