Understanding Patient Status Icons in the Ocean Portal

    • When reviewing the list of patients in the Patients view of the Ocean Portal, the "Status" column will indicate various statuses that may be applied to patients, depending upon actions they've performed or have yet to complete.
    • Below is a list of the various status icons that may appear in the "Status" column and their meaning.

Note: In the Patients view of the Ocean Portal, hovering over each of the icons for a few moments will also bring up a tooltip displaying the icon's meaning.

Note Status for Ocean eForms

Icon Status
Orange Square with Pencil 1 Patient has completed some forms but has not finished.
Orange Square with Pencil + ! 1 Patient has completed some forms but has not finished. Response Overdue.
Green Square with Arrow 1 Patient's notes are finished and ready for download into the EMR.
Grey Square with Checkmark 1 Available notes have been downloaded into the EMR.
Red Circle with X Unable to retrieve patient information from EMR.
Clock Waiting for EMR.

Status for Ocean Online Messages

Icon Status
Grey Envelope The secure message has not yet been seen by the patient.
Red Envelop + ! The secure message has not yet been seen by the patient. Response overdue.
Orange Envelope + * The patient has accessed the secure content, but has not completed outstanding eForms. Response overdue.

Clearing statuses

1 These icons appear if Ocean notes have been created. If a manual re-upload is triggered for the patient (e.g. accessing Ocean from the patient's chart in the EMR) then these statuses will be reset.

Ocean Note Flags

Ocean's Note Flagging feature allows an eForm to tag a patient's response with a coloured "flag". These flags are intended to assist clinicians and their administrators with rapid triaging of responses and appear as coloured asterisks next to the note status in the status column. Learn more about note flags here: Orientation to Ocean Note Flags.

Note flags are unique because they accumulate over time for the patient until the patient is purged/removed from Ocean.  If a manual re-upload is triggered for the patient (e.g. accessing Ocean from the patient's chart in the EMR) and their note status is reset, the older note flags will continue to show in the Status column. To manually reset note flags, remove the patient from Ocean. 

Pending Forms

    • In addition to the "Status" column, you will also see information under the column labelled "Pending Forms". The number of dots displayed in this area correlates to the number of unfinished forms in the patient's queue.
    • dots
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