Limiting the Number of Decimal Places in Formula Calculations

When developing complex formulas in Ocean eForms, you may find yourself with a large number of decimal places (e.g., 2.342456677543). In order to limit the number of decimal places, simply add ".toFixed(#)" to the end of your formula, where # is the desired number of decimal places.

For example:

Original formula:
(( (6 - q1.p) + (6 - q2.p) + (q3.p) ) / 3)
Copy Formula

This formula would result in an answer such a 2.666667

Revised formula:
(( (6 - q1.p) + (6 - q2.p) + (q3.p) ) / 3).toFixed(2)
Copy Formula

This formula would result in an answer such as 2.67

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