1:43 PM EST: We have identified an issue impacting the way that Ocean validates SPF records for custom email domains which allows Ocean Sites to email patients using their own email address. Impacted sites have received an email notification indicating that their address has become invalid.
This means that emails sent by Ocean since the validation failed will be sent by no-reply@cognisantmd.com instead of the custom email address to ensure that patients continue to receive emails. For clarity, the Patient Messaging and Patient Reminders products continue to function as expected, with the sender appearing as no-reply@cognisantmd.com.
We are actively working on a fix to restore the functionality to send from a custom email address and re-validate the affected Ocean Sites automatically.
2:25 PM EST: We have applied a fix for the validation issue, and the ability to send email using a custom 'From' email address has been restored for all Ocean Sites. The fix that was applied both automatically restores and re-validates any custom email addresses. No action is needed on behalf of Ocean Site Admins.
This bulletin will now be marked as resolved. Please email us at support@cognisantmd.com if you have any additional questions.