Tracking Two-Factor Authentication Compliance

Ocean offers Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) as an optional feature to provide an additional level of security for Ocean users. The feature can be enabled by users by following the steps outlined in How To Enable and Disable Two-Factor Authentication.

Two-Factor Authentication Compliance Report

Site Administrators can access a 2FA compliance report to assist in tracking user compliance an organization's 2FA policy.

  • Log into the Ocean Portal, select the "Menu" button in the top left corner, and selecti "Admin".
  • From the Admin Settings page, select 'Reports'.
  • Locate the 'Export Two Factor Authentication Compliance Report' heading, and press the 'Export' button to download the report.

    The '2FA Configured' column in the report indicates which user accounts have 2FA configured or not.

Enforcing Two-Factor Authentication

For additional information on how you can enforce 2FA compliance for all users on your Ocean site, please refer to Enforcing Two-Factor Authentication for All Users on your Ocean Site.

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