Accuro: Guide to Using Ocean with Accuro

Accuro's CDS links and button shortcuts will allow you to select an Ocean eForm directly from your EMR for your patient to complete. Once the patient has completed your form(s), the resultant clinical note will be automatically downloaded as an encounter note in the corresponding patient's chart in your Accuro EMR.

  1. Add Ocean eForm(s).

    • You can use Ocean without ever having to go into the Ocean Portal. Adding an eForm through Ocean is done via custom CDS links (to learn how to set up CDS links, please refer to "Configure the CDS Menu for Quick Access to Ocean".
    • You can set up CDS links that directly add a form to a patient's queue and/or CDS links that open up the Ocean Portal, where you can add forms by clicking on your patient in the Patients view.
  2. Load the patient's forms on an Ocean Tablet.

    • Once you've selected form(s) for your patient, enter the patient's health card number into the Ocean Tablet app on your tablet.
    • This will pull up all the forms that have been queued up for this specific patient.
  3. Download the Ocean encounter note.

    • Shortly after the patient has completed all their forms on a tablet, the results from these forms should automatically enter into your patient's chart as an encounter note.
    • Since this is a regular encounter note, you can edit it, as required.