Patient Group Messages with Ocean

Ocean allows you to bulk upload a list of patients from a file to assist with performing population-based interventions or patient group messages. A list of patients can be uploaded with a user-specified "Cohort ID", which you can use to send batches of online questionnaires or secure messages.

Note: By default, group messages can be sent to groups with a maximum size of 100 patients. Configuring a custom 'From' address increases this limit to 1000 patients. For more information on how to configure a custom 'From' address, see here: Email Using Your Own Address

If necessary, please see How to Split a .csv File into Smaller Cohorts.

Important Notice

Please be aware that Ocean’s cohort messaging service is designed to optimally handle no more than 1000 emails per site at a time. Sending numerous cohorts of 1000 emails in short succession will significantly delay the time these emails will be sent for your site and other Ocean sites. It may also result in email service providers blocking all Ocean emails from being delivered to your patients. Ocean will prioritize the sending of individual patient messages over bulk cohort emails.

We understand the need to keep your patient population informed about important updates. To send mass emails quickly, it is recommended that you use a mass-email marketing service. If that is not an option, please only send one cohort message every 60 minutes to avoid impacting Ocean’s ability to deliver emails in a timely manner.

Uploading a Patient Cohort File to Ocean

1. Create your patient list file.

  • Within your EMR, you will need to export a list of patients, including their basic demographic information.
  • The means by which you obtain this list of patients varies depending on which EMR you use, but it usually involves the execution and export of a search report in the system.
  • To learn how to obtain a properly formatted file that Ocean accepts, please refer to this article.

2. Upload and name your patient list file.

  • Login to the Ocean Portal. If you aren't already in the Patients view, click the "Menu" button in the top left corner and select "Patients". Under the Actions menu in the left side bar (near the bottom) select "Upload Patients from File".
  • Search for the file that you created in Step 1.
  • Select the appropriate file "Importer" from the dropdown menu.
  • Give the file a name next to "Assign Cohort ID".
  • If appropriate, you can also add any eForms to be included in the email under "Queue eForms for uploaded patients".

    Note: A patient can only belong to a single cohort. If a patient is included in two cohort files, they will be assigned to the most recently uploaded cohort.

3. Send your patient group message.


  • Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients.
  • The 'Allow reply ' and 'Allow file attachment' functionalities are not available when using Group Messages with Ocean. Patients will not have the option to reply to your message (with or without an attachment), even if the functionalities are enabled in your chosen template.
  • You cannot include file attachments as part of your Group Message to patients.
  • To send a patient group message, select "Email Cohort" from the Actions menu at the bottom left-hand corner of the Patients tab.
  • Select your group using the "Select Cohort" dropdown menu.
  • Select the template that you wish to send from the Templates menu at the top right-hand corner of the dialogue box. (Learn how to set up your Patient Messaging templates in this article.

  • Select "Send Invitations" to send your emails.

4. View your patient group message transaction logs.

  • For audit or tracking purposes, you may want to download a record of all the batch emails that have been sent to your various patient cohorts. To do this, navigate to the Admin Settings page in the Ocean Portal.
  • Click "Reports" and under "Export Batch Email Transaction Logs", select the date range that you want to see in your exported file. To see all group message transactions, leave these date fields blank.
  • If you'd only like to see the report for a specific group, enter the Cohort ID in the field below the date range. If you'd like to view all of your cohorts, leave this field blank.

Exporting a Patient Cohort File from Ocean

Ocean offers the ability to view/export patients in a particular Ocean cohort. This is helpful to determine which patient(s) belong to which cohort in Ocean. To export a cohort:

  • In the Patients area of the Ocean Portal, click 'Export Cohort'.
  • Select the cohort that you would like to export, and click 'Export'. Your cohort will download as a .csv file, which can then be opened in Microsoft Excel.

Uploading a Patient Cohort File to Ocean for Group Messages

Important Notice

Please be aware that Ocean’s cohort messaging service is designed to optimally handle no more than 1000 emails per site at a time. Sending numerous cohorts of 1000 emails in short succession will significantly delay the time these emails will be sent for your site and other Ocean sites. It may also result in email service providers blocking all Ocean emails from being delivered to your patients. Ocean will prioritize the sending of individual patient messages over bulk cohort emails.

We understand the need to keep your patient population informed about important updates. To send mass emails quickly (e.g. information about COVID-related updates to your entire patient population), it is recommended that you use a mass-email marketing service. If that is not an option, please only send one cohort message every 60 minutes to avoid impacting Ocean’s ability to deliver emails in a timely manner.

The first step to send a group message in Ocean is to obtain a file from your EMR. This file contains the list of patients that you are targeting in your group message. Each EMR has a unique way of obtaining this file, so please expand the appropriate tab below for instructions for your specific EMR.


  • Obtaining a cohort file from your EMR is an advanced process that should only be conducted by EMR administrators. You should be comfortable creating and refining searches in your EMR and splitting search results into smaller cohorts while maintaining proper file format.
  • By default, group messages in Ocean can be sent to groups with a maximum size of 100 patients. If you have exported a .csv file from your EMR and it contains more than 100 patients, please see How to Split a .csv File into Smaller Cohorts.
  • Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message, or when uploading multiple consecutive cohorts. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients in each cohort.
HN Importer (PS Suite)


The HN Importer expects a comma-separated value file (.csv) or text file (.txt) in comma-separated value format with a header row declaring the fields below in the following order:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • PHN
  • ...

Note: Any fields can come after "PHN" - only the 3 fields specified above (i.e. first name, last name, and health number) are required.

Steps to obtain a .csv file from PS Suite:

You can use the PS Suite search functionality in your EMR to obtain this file.

For your convenience, a sample PS Suite export search using the required column format can be downloaded by pressing the button below.

We recommend downloading, extracting, and importing the .srx file into your PS Suite EMR, and then adjusting the search criteria to suit your needs.

Download Sample Search

  • Use the blue button above to download a zip file containing the search file. Once downloaded, locate the zip file in your Downloads folder.
  • Unzip the file by double clicking on it. This will provide you with the .srx file which can be imported into PS Suite.
  • To import this into PS Suite, Open the 'Records' window within PS Suite.
  • Open the 'Settings' menu select 'Edit Searches...'.
  • Open the 'Edit' menu and select 'Import Searches...'.
  • Select the .srx file that you extracted earlier, and press 'Choose'.

    This imports the sample search into your list of searches in PS Suite.

  • Select the 'PSS HN Importer Search' from your list of available searches, and review the search criteria.

    The provided sample search locates patients in your EMR who are less than or equal to 200 years of age and have a health number.

  • You can narrow your search results by modifying the search criteria, such as looking for patients in a specific age range as shown in the image on the right.

    Note: By default, group messages in Ocean can only be sent to groups with a maximum size of 100 patients, unless you are Using Your Own Email Address. Broad search criteria may provide a list of patients greater than 100 patients.

  • Click 'Perform Search...' to expand additional searching settings.
  • Click the 'Search' button at the bottom right of the window to execute the search.
  • After you run the search, from the 'Report' menu, choose 'Utilities' and then 'Save as CSV...'. Name the file so that it is easily recognizable to you.
  • The saved file can now be uploaded into Ocean using the HN Importer.

Please refer to this article. for additional details on uploading your patient list into Ocean and sending them a standard email.

Note: Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients.

Med Access Patient Importer

The Med Access Patient Importer expects an .xls file. The default export file from Med Access should already be formatted correctly for use with the importer, but to confirm, Row 1 of the file must include the title "Patient List:", while Row 2 must contain headers for all of the following columns in this order:

  • Family
  • Given
  • Initials
  • Ins #
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Provider
  • Address
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Area Code
  • Phone Number

Steps to obtain an .xls file from Med Access:

    • Within Med Access, click the Reports menu option, located in the top-right corner of the main window.
    • Within the reporting window, set the criteria for your search by expanding the relevant categories on the right hand side.
    • For example, the image on the right shows the results of a search for patients in the EMR who have "Cognisantmd, One" listed as the Primary Provider, and who are in the age range of 40 to 45 years old.

      Note: By default, group messages in Ocean can only be sent to groups with a maximum size of 100 patients, unless you are Using Your Own Email Address. Broad search criteria may provide a list of patients greater than 100 patients.

    • Press the 'Search' button with the binocular icon to execute the search.
    • Once the resulting list of patients appears, click the "Excel" button near the bottom to download the .xls file.

      Ensure you set the "Limit" dropdown field to the highest number, typically 200, to ensure no truncation warnings are present in the export data.

    • The saved .xls file can now be uploaded into Ocean using the Med Access Patient Importer.

Please refer to this article. for additional details on uploading your patient list into Ocean and sending them a standard email.

Note: Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients.

HN Importer (Accuro)


The HN Importer expects a comma-separated value file (.csv) or text file (.txt) in comma-separated value format with a header row declaring the fields below in the following order:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • PHN
  • ...

Note: Any fields can come after "PHN" - only the 3 fields specified above (i.e. first name, last name, and health number) are required.

Steps to obtain a .csv file from Accuro:

    • Click the Accuro icon in the bottom-left corner of the EMR and navigate to Reports > Query Builder.
    • In the Query Builder, click on the green plus icon to create a new query.
    • Name your new query and press "OK" to add it to the definitions list in the leftmost panel of the Query Builder.
    • Add relevant rules to your query to filter the patients you wish to upload to Ocean.

      Note: By default, group messages in Ocean can only be sent to groups with a maximum size of 100 patients, unless you are Using Your Own Email Address. Broad search criteria may provide a list of patients greater than 100 patients.

      For example, if you wish to create an export of all patients with a specific Office Provider:
      1. In the "New Rule" panel, select "Demographics" from the "Rule Category" dropdown, and select "Office Provider" from the list that appears.
      2. In the "Manage Rule" panel, add your constraint(s) by pressing the "New" button and select the desired Office Provider you would like to filter on.
      3. Press "Add Rule" in the top right corner to add this rule to your query.
    • When your query is ready, select "Run Report" in the bottom right corner.
    • You may be prompted to "Check for Alert Matches." Depending on your preferences, you can filter patient matches by provider and view types. You can also decide which query fields you want to display in the final report. Click the "Run" button when you are ready to proceed.
    • When the Report view opens, select the "Export" button.
    • In the Export Results window, ensure "Encryption" is unchecked, as Ocean cannot parse a password protected file.
    • Click the "..." button to define what folder you would like to save the export file. Ensure you select a location that you can easily access, as you will need to upload the file into Ocean.
    • Type in the appropriate filename followed by .csv file extension and click "OK."
    • Locate the exported CSV file on your computer and confirm that the default settings were applied and that the first three columns of the file have the headings "Last Name," "First Name," and "PHN."
    • The .csv file can now be uploaded into Ocean using the HN Importer.

Please refer to this article. for additional details on uploading your patient list into Ocean and sending them a standard email.

Note: Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients.

HN Importer (OSCAR Pro)


The HN Importer expects a comma-separated value file (.csv) or text file (.txt) in comma-separated value format with a header row declaring the fields below in the following order:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • PHN
  • ...

Note: Any fields can come after "PHN" - only the 3 fields specified above (i.e. first name, last name, and health number) are required.

Obtaining a .csv file from OSCAR Pro

To obtain a file from your OSCAR Pro EMR for use with Ocean's Group Messages, please contact OSCAR Pro Customer Support to request assistance in generating a .csv file that meets the formatting criteria listed above and captures your desired patient population.

Please refer to this article. for additional details on uploading your patient list into Ocean and sending them a standard email.

Note: Please wait at least 30 minutes between uploading a cohort and sending the cohort a message. This ensures that Ocean has had enough time to synchronize all patients.


While the above tabs and importers are sufficient for obtaining a cohort file PS Suite, Med Access, and Accuro, additional importers are available in Ocean. Please expand each tab below to view details for each additional importer.

Standard Importer

The standard importer expects a comma-separated value file (.csv) with the fields declared in the following order:

  • surname
  • firstName
  • birthDate (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • sex
  • health number
  • reason for visit
  • email address
  • EMR patient #
  • note

Note: There is no header line.

Standard Wolf Appointment Importer

This Wolf importer is based on the standard export format from Wolf EMR's appointment scheduler.

It expects a comma-separated value file (CSV) with the fields declared in the following order:

  • booking type
  • insurance province
  • PHN
  • surname
  • firstName
  • birthDate
  • DPID
  • ApptDate (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • ApptDuration
  • ApptReason
  • blank field
  • area code
  • phone number

Note: There is no header line.

Wolf Patient Importer

This Wolf importer expects a file that must include a header row.

However, the columns in the file can be in any order.

Note: Names should be included as a single fields in quotation marks: e.g. “Doe, John”.

General Importer

The General Importer expects a comma-separated value file (CSV) with the following fields in the following order:

  • Surname
  • First name
  • DOB
  • Gender
  • Home phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Business phone
  • Email
  • Street address
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Health Number Province
  • Health Number
  • Health Number Version Code
  • Appointment Date
  • Provider

Note: There is a header line.