Using Ocean to Collect Patient Feedback

Collecting patient experience feedback through surveys is a key component of the annual Quality Improvement Plan. We also know that collecting that feedback – which may contain patient health information – can be both time consuming and fraught with risk.

Below you will find instructions on how to load the "HQO Patient Experience Survey - 2015" automatically onto your tablets, as the last form that the patient is required to complete.

  • To load the form for every patient at the end of their tablet session:

    • Log in to the Ocean PortalClick "Menu" in the top left corner and select "Tablets & Kiosks".  Choose "Edit" for the tablet group that you want to add the rule to.
    • Enter the Preferences tab and enable "Display a survey or other form after all other forms are complete". Type in "HQO Patient Experience Survey - 2015".
    • Save your preferences.

    To load the form on your your tablet(s) using rules:

    • Log in to the Ocean PortalClick "Menu" in the top left corner and select "Tablets & Kiosks".  Choose "Edit" for the tablet group that you want to add the rule to.
    • Enter the Rules tab and choose "Create Rule". Search for the "HQO Patient Experience Survey - 2015" from the list of forms that pops up.
    • Click "Choose" to add a rule line for that form.
    • Type in one of the following JavaScript rule in the "Trigger" text box to define when you want this form to show up automatically.
    • To load the survey for every patient who hasn't completed it in the past:
    • firstTime
    • Copy Rule
    • Ensure that this rule is at the bottom of the tablet rules list so that it is the last thing that the patient needs to complete on the tablet.

To learn more about the Health Quality Ontario Patient Experience Survey, please refer to our blog post about the HQO-PES package.

If you have other rules for automating patient experience survey collection in a standardized way that you would like to share with the Ocean community, let us know by reach out to us at:

To learn more about other available Tablet Rules, please refer to "Tablet Rules".

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