PS Suite Ocean Custom Form 3.78 Release Notes

Version 3.78 of the Ocean PS Suite custom form contains the following improvements:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Import function from automatically downloading an eRequest
  • Adding a workaround for a new bug in PSS that would sometimes insert the downloaded note as a Special Note
  • Now supports inserting eForm notes as Letters (note: this requires the eForm's 'noteType' to be tagged as a letter)
  • Changed the message when adding a new Ocean site to the PSS custom form: now it avoids the use of the term 'sub-site' due to the confusion with Ocean billing-related sub-sites.
  • Updated the list of demographic fields that are excluded from the automatic update for site 2153; a message is sent to inform the reception to make the changes manually (due to the hospital EHR's maintenance of these fields rather than PSS)
  • Improved error reporting and logging
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