Tablet Release Notes v135

The Ocean Tablet release v135 includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • This release includes an important stability fix for OceanConnect mode tablets to keep OceanConnect alive and pinging server when locked in a cabinet without user activity
  • OceanConnect install option has been updated to be more clearly intended for Accuro clinics only (at this point)
  • Reduced triggers for tamper-proofing lockout for routine Android updates
  • Improved UI for numeric scales (sliders) to ensure that patients don't accidentally change an answer in the process of scrolling (particularly obvious when labels are long and on a low-rez tablet)
  • Support for server-side user lockout after X retries logic (previous to this version, the tablet would simply say that the userid/password was invalid when locked out)
  • Improve crash recovery behaviour to avoid flickering screen and confusing error logs
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on the completion screen due to out-of-memory
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