The Ocean Tablet version 128 (which includes changes in the unreleased v127) includes the following changes/fixes:
- Support for marking patients as arrived in appointment screens for Accuro and PS Suite.
- Fixed a bug that prevented rules configured to run after the on-demand forms ("secondary rules") from leveraging form memory. In other words, if a secondary rule referred to form memory (e.g. "firstTime"), it would always be the first time.
- Added support for "block fee expiry" keywords, allowing PS Suite clients to build tablet rules to remind patients about block fee expiry.
- Fixed a bug that prevented date EMRFields (like birthdate) from being captured properly in eForms.
- Fixed a few error messages (including a missing French translation).
- Fixed a scenario in which a patient clicking "back" and "next" from the final screen could resubmit a note (potentially changed) that would be missed by certain EMR integrations (including PS Suite).
- Some fixes required for OceanConnect to improve reliability of adding notes to Accuro.
- Support for "appointment sync" button for Accuro.
- Added ability for PS Suite users to use immunization dates in tablet rules and eForms.
- Added support for Accuro batch patient imports.