The Ocean Tablet release v117 is now available and contains the following:
- Basic support for Arabic and Armenian medical intake eForms to support the Syrian Refugee Cognisant Cause project with our partners at St. Michael's Hospital and Sunnybrook. This includes right-to-left text support for Arabic, which will only be enabled for devices running Android 4.1 or higher. Currently any patients with either language specified in their EMR chart will automatically see the forms in the proper locale. We are still working on extending support for a patient to choose these two locales in a manner similar to current support for Chinese, Italian and French (this also updates the EMR with the patient's choice, as a bonus.)
- A fix to a memory leak that occurred in the new landscape mode setting
- A change to the tamper proofing logic to reduce the frequency of false positive security trigger events during Android system upgrades.
- Some changes to the interface with OceanConnect to simplify installation and maintenance, and to add support for appointment times and providers for the upcoming "day sheet" feature in Ocean.