OSCAR: Download & Install the Ocean eForm & Toolbar

To start, you will need to download 2 (.html and .js) files and upload them into your OSCAR EMR, from the Administration window.

  1. Download the Ocean eForm and toolbar files.

    • To download the files below, right-click on the file link, select “Save Link As…”, and save them to a location that is easily accessible.
  2. Upload the Ocean eForm into OSCAR.

    • Log in to your OSCAR EMR and open the Administration window from the menu along the top of the page.
    • Expand the "Forms/eForms" section and select "Manage eForms".
    • Upload the eForm by selecting "Upload", "Choose File", and then locating the OscarCustomForm.html file that you just downloaded (usually in your computer's "Downloads" folder. This file may alternatively be labelled "Ocean EForm.html" on your computer if you directly saved the file from a new tab/window.)
    • Fill in empty fields (eForm name and Additional Information). Please note the eForm name must be "OCEAN" (without quotes). Once complete, select “Upload”.
    • The uploaded eForm should now exist in the eForm Library list below (in the same window).
  3. Upload the Ocean Toolbar into OSCAR.

    • Open the Administration window again.
    • Expand the eForms section again, but this time, select "Upload an Image".
    • Select "Choose File" and locate the oceanToolbar.js file that you just downloaded (usually in your computer's "Downloads" folder).
    • Click the Upload button.
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