Keywords allow you to insert a piece of data from the patient object (usually from the EMR) into a caption, to prepopulate a field, or as part of a note. To see a list of available keywords, simply type @ and the menu will appear in the editor. A full list of options is also included in the chart below.
To indicate a keyword, just add "@" to the beginning. For example, "Dear @ptPreferredOrFirstName" will appear as "Dear Jacob".
You can also access keyword values in a script with the ScriptUtil.getKeyword() function, like "ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptName')". This is particularly useful for tablet rules, since a rule can access most of the patients information via this function. For example, you can show a COPD assessment questionnaire if the patient has COPD in their problem list or past medical history like this:
ScriptUtil.getKeyword('@ptHas.copd') == 'Y'
Copy Rule
Keywords can be very useful in conjunction with EMR Fields to allow patient to update their profile automatically. For example, by setting the default text of a text field to "@ptPreferredName" and setting the EMRField mapping on the same item to "preferredName", the initial value will be the patient's preferred name in the EMR and any changes will be applied to the preferred name field in the EMR.
Note that not all keywords work for all EMRs.
Some keywords accept suffixes, which should be added after a trailing period. For example, "@ptHnExpiryDate.yyyysmmsdd" will show the date as "2015/06/21".
Keyword(preface with '@') | Description and Known EMR Limitations (if any) | Available on Tablet | Available on Patient Messaging | Available on Patient Reminders |
date | The current date. | Y | Y | Y |
time | The current time. | Y | Y | Y |
site | The name of the site. | N | Y | Y |
ptTitle |
The patient's title.
e.g. "Dr."
Y | Y | Y |
ptSuffix |
The patient's suffix, if any. e.g. "Jr." |
Y | Y | Y |
ptName | The patient's full name. | Y | Y | Y |
ptSurname | The patient's surname/last name. | Y | Y | Y |
ptFirstName | The patient's first name. | Y | Y | Y |
ptPreferredName | The preferred name of the patient, if set. For simple display purposes, consider using ptPreferredOrFirstName. | Y | Y | Y |
ptPreferredOrFirstName | The patient's preferred name, if set, or the first name if no preferred name is available. Useful for salutations. | Y | Y | Y |
ptSecondName | The patient's middle/second name. | Y | Y | Y |
ptSecondNameInitials | The patient's 'middle initial' (the first letter of the second/middle name). | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddress1 | The first line of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddress2 | The second line of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptCity | The city of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptProvince | The province of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptCountry | The country of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptPostal | The postal code of the patient's main (mailing) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2Line1 | The first line of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2Line2 | The second line of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2City | The city of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2Province | The province of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2Country | The country of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptAddr2Postal | The postal code of the patient's second (e.g. residence) address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptBirthDate | The patient's birth date. | Y | Y | Y |
ptApproxAgeInDays | The patient's approximate age, measured as the number of days as an integer. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHomePhone | The patient's home phone number. | Y | Y | Y |
ptBusinessPhone | The patient's business phone number. | Y | Y | Y |
ptBusinessExt | The extension of the patient's business phone number (if it is optionally specified separately from the business phone). | Y | Y | Y |
ptMobilePhone | The patient's mobile/cell phone number. | Y | Y | Y |
ptEmail | The patient's main email address. | Y | Y | Y |
ptSex | Either "M" or "F". | Y | Y | Y |
ptIsMale | True if the patient is male. | Y | Y | Y |
ptIsFemale | True if the patient is female. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHnVC | The health number verification code (for ON health numbers). | Y | Y | Y |
ptHnProv | The HN province. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHnExpiryDate |
The HN expiry date. * Not supported for Telus PS Suite or Med Access. |
Y | Y | Y* |
ptHn | The patient's health number (HN). | Y | Y | Y |
ptAge | The patient's age in years. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHisHer | Either "his" or "her" depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHisHer.cap | Either "His" or "Her" (capitalized) depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHeShe | Either "he" or "she" depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHeShe.cap | Either "He" or "She" (capitalized) depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptHimHer | Either "him" or "her" depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptMaleFemale | Either "male" or "female" depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptManWoman | Either "man" or "woman" depending on ptSex. | Y | Y | Y |
ptFamilyDoc |
The patient's family doc, as per patient record. EMR: PS Suite only |
Y | N | N |
ptClinicDoc |
The patient's clinic doc. e.g. could be specialist |
Y | Y | Y |
ptComments |
Any comments that have been typed into the demographics section of the patient chart. EMR: PS Suite only |
Y | Y | Y |
ptCppOneLine |
A section of the patient profile ("CPP") flatted to a single line, delimited by semi-colon. e.g. ptCppOneLine.prob might yield: "dm2; chf"
EMR: PS Suite only
Y | Y | Y |
ptCpp |
A section of the patient profile ("CPP") with one line per item. e.g. @ptCpp.prob might yield: "dm2 chf" Some other common CPP fields include: ptCpp.pmhx (past medical history), ptCpp.allg (allergies), ptCpp.rx (medications).
EMR: PS Suite and OSCAR only
Y | Y | Y |
ptFullCpp | The entire patient profile, with each section heading in uppercase. | Y | Y | Y |
ptCheckIfHas |
Either "Y" or "" depending on whether the patient has the condition. e.g. @ptCheckIfHas('dm2') |
Y | Y | Y |
ptRxFriendly |
A patient-friendly version of one of the patient's medications. Use a suffix to indicate which med. e.g. @ptRxFriendly.0 would be the first med on file |
Y | Y | Y |
ptHas |
Either "Y" or "N" depending on whether the patient has the condition. Also checks past medical history if available. e.g. @ptHas('dm2') EMR: PS Suite and Med Access only |
Y | Y | Y |
ptLatestVal |
Provides the latest lab result/vital for a particular measurement. Supported vitals include ht, wt, bp, cr, egfr, a1c, oceanvital. e.g. @ptLatestVal.a1c |
Y | Y | Y |
ptEmergencyContactPhone | The phone number of the emergency contact/next of kin (requires special "@" delimiter in PSS Next of kin field). | Y | Y | Y |
ptEmergencyContactRelationship |
The patient's relationship to the emergency contact/next of kin (requires special '@' delimiter in PSS Next of kin field). EMR: PS Suite only |
Y | Y | Y |
ptEmergencyContactIsPoA | Y/N whether the emergency contact/next of kin has POA (requires special '@' delimiter in PSS Next of kin field). | Y | Y | Y |
ptEmergencyContact | The patient's emergency contact/next of kin. | Y | Y | Y |
ptCustom |
An EMR's custom demographic field, as specified by the keyword's suffix. Note that the field is stripped of non-alphanumeric characters. e.g. "ptCustom.MyField" for a custom demographic field named "My Field" e.g. "ptCustom.PHQ9" for a custom demographic field named "PHQ-9" EMR: Accuro only |
N | Y | Y |
ptExternalRef |
The patient's reference in the EMR. e.g. the patient ID |
Y | Y | Y |
ptNextApptDate |
A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment date and time, or "(not available)". This keyword should only be used to send appointment details for an upcoming appointment on the same day as a patient's current appointment. *Note: This keyword may only be used for Patient Messages. This keyword does not function with Tablets/Kiosks or Patient Reminders. Note for Accuro users: This keyword can only be used if the patient's next upcoming appointment date is within the next 365 days. |
N | Y* | N |
apptDate |
A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment date. EMR: Not supported in OSCAR |
N | Y | Y |
apptTime |
A textual description of the patient's next upcoming appointment time. EMR: Not supported in OSCAR |
N | Y | Y |
ptPreferredPharmacy |
The preferred pharmacy for the patient. EMR: PS Suite only |
Y | Y | Y |
user.properName |
The proper name of the current user. * This is limited to secure message and web questionnaire invitations and cannot be used in eForms or rules. e.g. "A message from Dr. John Smith" |
N | Y* | N |
providerName | The name of the patient's provider for their scheduled appointment. | Y | Y | Y |
ptLanguage | The preferred language for the patient. EMR: Not supported in OSCAR |
N | Y | N |
ptChartNumber | The patient's chart number. EMR: Med Access only * Requires Ocean Tablet v184 or higher. |
Y* | Y | Y |